Friday, 27 September 2013

bash history tricks

I came across an interesting blog entry about maintaining a persistent history of commands across multiple bash sessions using some features of bash I was unaware of.

First there was a variable PROMPT_COMMAND which will run the command stored in the variable before presenting the new prompt.

Then there was the BASH_REMATCH variables, which store substring patterns when used with [[ ... ]] e.g.

test_string="Random string of numbers : 1234"
   $test_string =~ (.*)\:\ +([0-9]+)

echo ${BASH_REMATCH[0]}
echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
echo ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}

This snippet will output the following
Random string of numbers : 1234
Random string of numbers

I have simplified the example from Eli's blog as I am not using the same format for history output , so my code in .bashrc looks like

    $(history 1) =~ ^\ *[0-9]+\ +(.*)$
  local command="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
  if [ "$command" != "$HISTORY_LAST" ]
    echo "$command" >> ~/.persistent_history
    export HISTORY_LAST="$command"

export PROMPT_COMMAND=log_bash_history