Friday, 16 August 2013


There was a cool demo using the Unreal Engine that had been ported to javascript using emscripten I saw a while ago.
I had some time I thought I would test this out and see what it can do, I will come back to it later if I have any nifty code that I want to reproduce on the web.

Following the instructions, I downloaded and compiled up llvm (& clang) version 3.2, as per the instructions 3.3 (which was provided in my distribution) does not work.
I needed to grab node (version 10.15 was the one I tested) as well.

Once I had all these I ran the emcc utility which generated a default config file in my home directory (.emscripten), the paths in this needed modifying as I compiled/installed the utilities in my own directory and not in directories for system wide use.

I ran emcc again and it ran with out errors, just the fact that I had not provided any input files, so looks good.

Following the brief tutorial on the wiki I was able to run some of the test programs and some very simple C code that I had written (including some basic openGL using simple lines).

When I have some good examples I will attach them to this page.